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Nearest Pharmacy on Duty

Below is the list of pharmacies on duty closest to your location. You can share location permission so that the Happ site can show you the nearest on-duty pharmacy.

Night Watchmen in Health: Pharmacies on Duty

Today, health services have become an area that people may need 24 hours a day. Providing medicine is sometimes vital, especially in emergency situations. At this point, on-duty pharmacies come into play. They remain open throughout the night and on weekends to meet the public's medicine needs. Especially Istanbul pharmacies on duty ve Izmir pharmacies on dutyis very important due to its large population.

How can you find the pharmacy on duty you are looking for?

There are various ways to find the on-duty pharmacy you are looking for. Health applications such as Happ Health allow you to quickly find information about the nearest on-duty pharmacy. In such applications, you can easily list the pharmacies on duty closest to your location. In addition, local health sites and official websites of municipalities regularly update on-duty pharmacy information.

Sıkça Sorulan Sorular ?

What time do pharmacies open in the morning?

What time do pharmacies close?

Are Pharmacies Open on Saturday?

Until What Hours is the Pharmacy on Duty Open?